Saturday, April 21, 2007

We be biking!

The weather was finally beautiful and better yet, it was the weekend! So Weezie and I ventured out on what we thought was a 20 mile ride. We left stunning Stoneham around 10:00 and headed north into Reading. Usually, we stay in the western side of Reading and then head east around Summer Street towards Wakefield. Today, we kept on peddling and peddling until we found ourselves in Wilmington. Nothing too exciting about Wilmington. Although to be fair we haven't ridden through a whole lot of it. We continued north into Andover and ran into the dreaded HILLS. Although all it seemed we ever did was go up, I think that on occasion we did find a down hill stretch.

At this time we're at mile 12.5 when Weezie discovers to our mutual horror - she has a flat tire! Did we have a spare tube? Our portable pump? Of course not! So it was up to me to ride what turned out to be about 13 miles back home so I could get the car and rescue my bride. And so, I did. I finally made it back to Andover with the car about an hour or so later. Oh, did I mention how I got lost in North Reading on my way home? Probably not. Something to be saved for next time.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Great 2007 Remodeling Adventure

Unbelievable! We're at it again, trying to rebuild this old house. Here's a PhotoShow of the beginning of the destruction. Stay tuned for the construction.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Welcome to my blog

Hi everyone,

Welcome to my blog. It is a blog about all kinds of random things. Sort of like a Seinfeld episode right? I started it so I could have a place to rant, start controversy or just plain have some fun. So, I guess I start with a random thought. I miss my dog. I know at least a couple of people reading this may well miss her too. So here's a picture from a happier time before she left us.